
Helle Ulrich receives ERC Advanced Grant

The prestigious award will support study of how damaged DNA is managed by cells… [more]


Dr Butter establishes research group at IMB

Advanced quantitative proteomics experiments will address important questions… [more]


IMB seeks new Group Leader in Proteomics

Candidates with an innovative research profile & a strong publication record invited to apply... [more]


2nd International PhD Programme call now open

We offer exciting, interdisciplinary projects & advanced training in scientific & transferrable skills [more]


IMB starts International Summer School

In 2012, IMB will hold its first International Summer School / Cooperation with Johannes Gutenberg University and University Medical Center Mainz / 12 extraordinarily talented students from around the world get the opportunity to hear about the latest developments in the fields of Gene Regulation, Epigenetics and DNA Damage Response and to work on exciting research projects. [more]


Three new Group Leaders join IMB

The Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB) in Mainz has marked the start of 2012 with the groups of Drs Jean-Yves Roignant, Natalia Soshnikova and Vijay Tiwari beginning their research into epigenetic process that control development and the occurrence of disease. [more]